New Features Of Version 5


3D Features
New more powerful advanced engine version 5.
New Engine gives you the ability to implement your own import/export file formats using NeedFileConvert, GetOpenFileFilterFormat, GetSaveFileFilterFormat, IsValidOpenFormat events.
TrueColor Support with a new object. Now the objects are not limited to the 255 color palette. Now you can have as many colors you want from the 16milion palette using RGB values.
Open and Save in XML (Extensible Markup Language is originally designed to meet the challenges of large-scale electronic publishing, XML is also playing an increasingly important role in the exchange of a wide variety of data on the Web and elsewhere).


Generic Features
Native ASCII DXF format Open/Save that do not need OpenDesign libraries or FileConverter utility.
New events for customizing grip display and functionality.
New exported constants values for easier management of VectorDraw objects and programming.
Extended example for VB6 sample (vbCAD). It a full drawing editor with modern design, which our customers can use it as a platform to add-on their applications. The main purpose of this example is to demonstrate some of the capabilities of VectorDraw Library.
Generic CAD help witch will help our customers to understand the CAD/CAM terminology.
Image transparency for raster formats. You can define the RGB color of the image in order to make the entities below the raster image visible on render device.
New Hatch Pattern object with new Hatch dialog for the predefined hatch patterns.
New LineType object.
New ImageDefintion object.
Asymmetrical tolerances in dimensions and more Dimension Overwrite values and formatted dimension texts.
Exploding inserted objects with different x, y and z scales.
Ability to merge the XREF's entities and its dependent symbols as part of the current drawing.
New properties for VectorDraw control's appearance.
New method for Joining between Arc, Lines and PolyLines objects to a single PolyLine object.
Fillet with radius now supports the fillet between Arc-Arc, Arc-Line and Line-Line objects.
Support SPLINES with Quadratic fitting.
You can enable or disable the creation of a backup drawing copy with each save. This is for security reasons if something wrong happens while saving a file.
Properties control for VectorDraw objects that can be integrated in your application.
New control/ActiveX "Property List" that can be used in your application to show and edit the VectorDraw object's properties.
Other Minor Bug fixes and whishes.


We provide migration utilities for Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C++ 6.0, VisualBasic.NET and C#.NET projects to assist existing customers to upgrade their projects to the new engine easily.

NEW properties, events, interfaces, objects in
Public Method ExplodeEx Explode all hatch filled objects.
Public Property FontFullName Returns the full filename with extension of FontFile property.
Public Method HasOverWriteValue Checks if the dimension has the specified dimoverwrite value.
Public Property RedrawByWindowRect Enable/Disable the window boundary checking when redrawing the client window area.
Public Property DisableVdrawDxf Select the Library for openning DXF files.
Public Method ConvertString Convert input string items with format U+xxxx or M+xxxxx.


NEW properties, events, interfaces, objects in
Public Method GetDeviceCapabilities Retrieves the capabilities of a printer device driver.
Public Property Paper Get/Set the selected paper for the Printer.
Public Method GetHatchPattern Returns the selected hatch pattern object if the Fillmode is VdFillModeUnknown.
Public Method SetHatchPattern Select a new hatch Patern for the object and set the Fillmode to VdFillModeUnknown.
Public Method Transformby Rotate and scale all pattern lines.
Public Method RemoveAllLines Remove all pattern lines.
Public Method GetLineDefinitionAt Get the properties of a pattern line at the specific index.
Public Method AddLineDefinition Add a new pattern line at the end of pattern lines collection.
Public Property NumLines Returns the number of pattern lines.
Public Property ClipBoundary Returns and sets the clipping boundaries for an image object.
Public Method geomDegreesToRad Convert degrees to radians.
Public Method geomRadToDegrees Convert radians to degrees.
Public Method geomFixAngle Returns/fixes the angle in radius between 0 and 2*PI.
Public Property geomPI Returns the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.1415926535898.
Public Event CommandId Fires when a message from PostCommandId method is ready to be translated.
Public Method PostCommandId Places (posts) a command id message in the message queue.
Public Method Generate3dPathSection Create a 3d polyface object from a path and a section object.
Public Method SetTextAt Set the text string used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method GetTextAt Get the text string used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method SetShapeRotationAt Set the shape rotation used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method GetShapeRotationAt Get the shape rotation used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method SetShapeScaleAt Set the shape scale used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method GetShapeScaleAt Get the shape scale used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method SetShapeOffsetAt Set the shape offset used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method GetShapeOffsetAt Get the shape offset used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method SetShapeNumberAt Set the shape number used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method GetShapeNumberAt Get the shape number used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method SetShapeStyleAt Set the textstyle used by the linetype for the shape at the specified index.
Public Method GetShapeStyleAt Get the textstyle used by the linetype for the shape at the specified index.
Public Method SetFlagAt Set the flag used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method GetFlagAt Get the flag used by the linetype at the specified index.
Public Method GetFileProperties Retrieves version information and properties for the specified file(vdf,vdi and only).
Public Event GetPassword It will be called for opening password protected drawing.
Public Property CursorColor Get the color of the Cross-hair Cursor type.
Public Property RubberBandColor Get the color of the Rubber band.
Public Property GripSnap Controls the Snap of the grip points.
Public Property EnableFullCircleArc Enable/Disable the display of a closed arc as circle, or not at all.
Public Property ColorValue Specifies the value which contains all color object properties.
Public Method TransformPt Applies the transformation matrix to a point.


NEW properties, events, interfaces, objects in
Public Method IsPointVisible Returns true if the point is inside the drawing area.
Public Event DrawOverAll Fires at the end of all drawings and can be used for customizing UCS icon rendering.
Public Property DimLineColor Assigns true color to dimension lines and arrowheads.
Public Property PostString Specifies a text prefix or suffix (or both) to the dimension measurement.
Public Method InitUserGetString Provides support for localized keywords like Yes/No, when prompting the user to type a string.
Public Property EnableSyncOpen Enable/Disable synchronously file open
Public Method Reverse Reverses the Polyline's vertex list order.
Public Property BulgeList Returns and sets the bulge array of polyline object
Public Method GetFormattedText Returns the formatted string of the dimension which is finally displayed.
Public Property BackupOnSave Enable/Disable the create of a backup copy with each save.
Public Property Copies Get/Set the number of copies for the Printer.
Public Method CopyFrom Copy the properties from an other linetype object exept the linetype Name.
Public Property Palette Get/Set the vdPalette object used for getting the RGB values of a colorIndex.
Public Method CopyFrom Copy the properties of a vdColor object to this object.
Public Method GetColorDlgEx Display a standard color dialog for True Color selection and returns the selected True Color object.
Public Method Select_PenEx Select a new pen with a True Color value ,which will be used in next draw.
Public Method BeginFillRegionEx Select a new filling mode with True Colors.
Public Method LockPenEx Lock the selected pen style with True Color values.
Public Method ClearBkColorEx Fills the drawing area with specified True Color
Public Property ByLayer Specifies if the color of an entity gets the layers's color that the entity belongs to.
Public Property ByBlock Specifies if the color of an entity gets the block's color that the entity belongs to.
Public Property RGB Get/Set the red,green,blue value with one single long.
Public Property Blue Get/Set the blue value (0 - 255).
Public Property Green Get/Set the green value (0 - 255).
Public Property Red Get/Set the red value (0 - 255).
Public Property ColorIndex Get/Set the Color Index from VectorDraw palette (0 to 256).
Public Property StringValue Get/Set the color properties as string.
Public Interface vdColor VectorDraw Color object
Public Method GetHatchPatternDlg Display a standard HatchPattern dialog for HatchPattern selection and returns the selected Pattern name.
Public Property Index Get the index id of linetype in linetypes collection.
Public Property HatchPatterns Gets the HatchPatterns Collection for the drawing.
Public Property LineTypes Gets the LineTypes Collection for the drawing.
Public Property PatternLines Get/Set the lines properties in a Hatch pattern object as a string array.
Public Property Name Get/Set the name of HatchPattern.
Public Interface vdHatchPattern VectorDraw Hatch pattern Definition object.
Public Interface vdHatchPatterns VectorDraw Hatch patterns collection object.
Public Property SegmentLength Get the segment length of linetype.
Public Method GetDashAt Get the dash length of linetype sub-segment.
Public Method SetDashAt Set the dash length of linetype sub-segment.
Public Property NumDashes Get/Set the number of linetype dashes.
Public Property Comments Get/Set the comments of linetype.
Public Property Name Get/Set the name of linetype.
Public Interface vdLineType VectorDraw Line type Definition object.
Public Interface vdLineTypes VectorDraw Line types collection object.
Public Property Images Gets the vdImages Collection for the drawing.
Public Property Quality Get/Set The image Quality color(used for JPEG from 1 to 100).
Public Method GetNearestColorId Retrieves the index for the entry in the palette, most closely matching the RGB color value.
Public Method ExportToFile Save the image to a specific filename.
Public Property Transparency Get/Set The image trancarency color.
Public Property NumColors The palette size of the image.
Public Property Name The image filename.
Public Method Purge Remove Unused objects from the collection, and returns the new length of the collection.
Public Interface vdImageDef VectorDraw Image Definition object.
Public Interface vdImages VectorDraw Images collection object.
Public Property EnableAutoNormal Enable/Disable the automatic normal calculations for lighting effects on 3d render mode.
Public Property BorderStyle Set/Get the control border style (0 = none, 1= 3D look, 2= thin 3D look, 4 = thin flat.
Public Property SBSTYLE Set/Get the status bar style(0 = default , 1 = UserCustomColored .
Public Property SBTEXTFONTNAME Set/Get the TTF face name of status bar text .
Public Property SBPROGRESSCOLOR Get the status bar progress bar color.
Public Property SBBORDERBKCOLOR Get the status bar item border background color.
Public Property SBBORDERCOLOR Get the status bar item frame border color.
Public Property SBTEXTCOLOR Get the status bar text color.
Public Property SBBKCOLOR Get the status bar background color.
Public Method ExportToFile Export the drawing contents into other formats(dwf,svg).
Public Property ImageSaveQuality Set/Get the quality that used to save JPEG Images<1 to 100 ,default value = 75>
Public Event GetGripPoints Overwite the Grips property of vdFigure object.
Public Event DrawGripsEx Occurs before the grips of vdFigure object are drawn.
Public Event MoveGripPointsAtEx Occurs before the call of MoveGripPointsAt method of vdFigure object.
Public Property DimTm Specifies the tolerance lower limit for dimension text
Public Property DimaZin Controls the suppression of zeros in the default dimension text value for Angular dimensions.
Public Property DimZin Controls the suppression of zeros in the default dimension text value.