
All Articles for product [Engine] version [6015]


Bug : Wrong Printer output when using Raster Image
Wish : Paste text while in CmdText
Wish : Is it possible to specify a Truecolor inside MText
Bug : Undo and Redo problems of polyhatch in Wrapper
Wish : Event to return the user text in commandline
Wish : New DrawPolygon method of vdRender object
Wish : Better Tolerance display of vdDimensions
Bug : Images with Transparency export in PDF,SVG filled black
Wish : Lights to not be applied to text objects in 3D modes
Wish : Layer object method to get the collection of vdfigures that reference the layer object.
Wish : ToolTipDisplayProps property to apply to Document's tooltip also
Wish : vd3DFace object to be able to be inherited
Wish : Major OpenGL improvements using OpenGL lists
Bug : Area of vdpolyface is not calculated correctly
Wish : vdLayersCombo key events are not fired
Bug : Attributes are not updated when AfterModify event is fired
Bug : Wrong draw color in block entities when PenColor is ByBlock
Wish : Way to indicate the Beta version of Release
Bug : OpenGL rendering objects with very large Coordinates
Bug : Wire frames of Lines and Polylines should not take into consideration the Lights
Bug : cmdMirror problem with inserts that have rotation
Wish : Export CommandLine as ActiveX control
Wish : Support hatching with 3d polylines
Wish : Grip points in the middle of vdPolyline straight segments not to be displayed
Bug : DXF Dimensions are not shown properly
Wish : Disable the layout Popup menu
Wish : OpenUrl to be execute with a user press key code
Wish : Ability to change the multi-select key
Bug : Keyboard arrow keys do not fire the KeyDown event