
All Articles for product [Engine] version [6003]


Bug : Menu of Layout Tab is not displayed in VdrawScrollableControl
Bug : FilletRadiusAtIndex raises an exception when used.
Bug : SaveAs dialog is not shown when calling saveas command with empty string using DELPHI.
Bug : DragDrop events fired with wrong mouse position
Wish : GroundSurface wishes
Bug : After the Pan() command the cursor is not changed after the esc pressed.
Bug : Lines quality in hidden 3D.
Wish : Create setup for x64 machines.
Wish : At property list when one item is selected not to show the count at the combo box but the item.
Wish : FileName of vdDocument to return the full path name
Bug : Problems on displaying Korean Language
Wish : show the GroundSurface contours as a colour gradient for display purposes.
Bug : LstringUnitsToReal and LengthFromString throw incorect format error