Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6022, ID: 60001761, Wish : GridMeasure steps with different line widths or different colors

Wish : GridMeasure steps with different line widths or different colors

Date Added7/19/2012
FixedYes [8/2/2012]
Submitted byDobriyan Benov


GridMeasure steps with different line widths or different colors


Can you add the abbility to have ActiveDocument.GridMeasure with Minor and Major step with different line widths or different colors ?


In version 6023 we added two more properties to the GridMeasure object of the Layout and Viewport.
These two properties control the visibility and the way minor grid lines are drawn

summary: Get/Set the color used to draw the minor grid lines.
remarks: Default value is Color.Empty and the Minor lines are not drawn.
public Color GridColorMinor

summary: Get/Set The LineWeight for the minor grid lines.
remarks: Default value .
public VdConstLineWeight LineWeightMinor

The visibility of the minor grid lines is controled by its color (set GridColorMinor = Color.Empty in order to hide the minor lines). The default value is Color.Empty and the minor grid lines are not drawn.
The minor grid lines devide tha major portion of the grid in 5 minor portions.

C# Example
vdDocument document = vdFramedControl.BaseControl.ActiveDocument ;
document.Model.GridMeasure.Visible = true;
document.Model.GridMeasure.SetMeasuredSpaceParameters (new double[]{0.1,0.25,0.5},10.0d);
document.Model.GridMeasure.LineWeight = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstLineWeight.LW_100;
document.Model.GridMeasure.AlphaBlending = 128;
document.Model.GridMeasure.TextColor = new vdColor(Color.Blue);
document.Model.GridMeasure.Placement = VectorDraw.Professional.vdObjects.GridMeasured.GridMeasuredValuesPlacementFlag.RightTop;
document.Model.GridMeasure.GridColor = new vdColor(Color.White);
document.Model.GridMeasure.GridColorMinor = Color.LightGray;
document.Model.GridMeasure.LineWeightMinor = VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstLineWeight.LW_13;