Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6021, ID: 60001613, Wish : Is it possible to get the entities within a vdinsert using a window select

Wish : Is it possible to get the entities within a vdinsert using a window select

Date Added1/27/2012
FixedYes [1/29/2012]
Submitted byShannon Davenport


Is it possible to get the entities within a vdinsert using a window select


Is there a way to get the entities within a vdinsert using a window select ?


A new method GetTransformedSelectedObjects was added in vdLayout object

SelectedObjectArray GetTransformedSelectedObjects(Box SelectionViewBox);
Gets a collection of SelectedObject type object that represents all the primitives figures that belongs to this layout and passing through a rectangle in current View Co-ordinate system.
param name : SelectionViewBox
A bounding box in current View Co-ordinate system.
Returns a collection of the Selected entities that passing through the input bounding box in the order from the last in the entities collection to the first.

A C# Example that print all the primitives figures of ActiveLayout that throws a view rectangle.

        Box rc;
        //prompt the user to pick a rectangle that will be used to select the entities.
        doc.Prompt("Pick a rectangle for crossing window entities select");
        StatusCode sc = doc.Model.ActionUtility.getUserRectViewCS(null, out rc);
        if ( sc == StatusCode.Success)
            SelectedObjectArray obs = doc.ActiveLayout.GetTransformedSelectedObjects(rc);
            //display the results into commandline
            doc.Prompt(string.Format("\r\nNumber of Selected objects : {0}", obs.Count)); doc.Prompt(null);
            foreach (SelectedObject item in obs)
                //foreach selected object displays the object type and a matrix that tranforms the object into world Co-ordinate system.
                doc.Prompt(string.Format("\r\n{0}, object2world matrix = {1}", item.SelectedEntity.Entity, item.SelectedEntity.ObjectToWorldMatrix)); doc.Prompt(null);
                //dispalys the owners tree for the selected object from inner to outer.
                string tabs = "\t";
                foreach (TransformedFigure owner in item.Owners)
                    doc.Prompt(string.Format("\r\n{0}Owner: {1}, object2world matrix = {2}", tabs,owner.Entity, owner.ObjectToWorldMatrix)); doc.Prompt(null);
                    tabs += "\t";

Example vb6:

The following type libraries from vectordraw must be also imported:

         Dim p1 As Variant
         Dim p2 As Variant
         p1 = VDraw1.Utility.GetPointScreen
         p2 = VDraw1.Utility.GetCornerScreen(p1)
         Dim gp1 As New gPoint
         Dim gp2 As New gPoint
         gp1.SetValue p1(0), p1(1), p1(2)
         gp2.SetValue p2(0), p2(1), p2(2)
         Dim box As New
         box.AddPoint gp1
         box.AddPoint gp2
         Dim layout As VectorDraw_Professional.vdLayout
         Set layout = VDraw1.ActiveDocument.ActiveLayOut.WrapperObject
         Dim ret As VectorDraw_Professional.SelectedObjectArray
         Set ret = layout.GetTransformedSelectedObjects(box)
         For i = 0 To ret.Count - 1
            Debug.Print ret(i).ToString