Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6021, ID: 60001521, Wish : new constractors for vdFigure objects

Wish : new constractors for vdFigure objects

Date Added10/21/2011
FixedYes [11/25/2011]
Submitted bystavros meimaroglou


new constractors for vdFigure objects


New constractors for vdFigure objects


In version 6022 there is a list of new constructors for our objects. These new constructors will give the ability to avoid some method calls after the creation of an object , like SetUnRegisterDocument(doc) ,setDocumentDefaults()

for example for the vdLine object we added the following Constructors
Initializes a new instance of the vdLine object and registers it to the passed Document.
The Document where the object is going to be registered.
Calling this Constructor there is no need to call SetUnRegisterDocument(doc) ,setDocumentDefaults() methods after the creation of the object.
public vdLine(vdDocument doc)

And also

Initializes a new instance of the vdLine object and registers it to the passed Document.
The Document where the object is going to be registered.
The StartPoint of the vdLine object.
The EndPoint of the vdLine object.
Calling this Constructor there is no need to call SetUnRegisterDocument(doc) ,setDocumentDefaults() methods after the creation of the object.
public vdLine(vdDocument doc, gPoint startpoint, gPoint endpoint)