Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6020, ID: 60001487, Wish : JobMouseDown event is not fired in Wrapper

Wish : JobMouseDown event is not fired in Wrapper

Date Added9/7/2011
FixedYes [9/9/2011]
Submitted byIlan Sandor


JobMouseDown event is not fired in Wrapper


The JobMouseDown event is not fired in Wrapper.


This is because jobMouseDown is called after the mouse down implementation for the active action which by default finish the action.

In version 6021 new events ActionMouseDown ActionKeyDown and ActionKeyPress was added in vdraw.ocx wrapper component in order to be used instead of JobMouseDown JobKeyDown and JobKeyPress in such cases.

ActionMouseDown ActionKeyDown  and ActionKeyPress occurs when a command job is active and the user press a mouse button or key button and before default implementation.Set cancel to 1 in order not to run the default VectorDraw event code.

                        method definition : ActionMouseDown(ByVal JobName As String, ByVal Button As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, ByVal x As Double, ByVal y As Double, Cancel As Integer)

                                                                          JobName   a string that begins with BaseAction_  and adding the action type name

                                                                          Button  an Integer that get one of the follwoing values, 1 for left button , 2 for right button and 4 for midle mouse button

                                                                          Shift an Integer that contains one or more of the following values,  1 if shift is pressed , 2 if control key is pressed and 4 if Alt key is pressed

                                                                          x , the x value of cursor position in View Co-ordinate system

                                                                          y, the y value of cursor position in View Co-ordinate system

                                                                          Cancel As reference Integer that gets 0 or 1.Set cancel to 1 in order not to run the default VectorDraw event code


ActionKeyDown occurs when a command job is active and the user press a nonsystem key and before default implementation.Set cancel to 1 in order not to run the default VectorDraw event code.

                       method definition : ActionKeyDown(ByVal JobName As String, ByVal KeyCode As Integer, ByVal Shift As Integer, Cancel As Integer)

                                                                          JobName    a string that begins with BaseAction_  and adding the action type name

                                                                          KeyCode an Integer that represents the keyboard code that the user pressed.

                                                                          Shift an Integer that contains one or more of the following values,  1 if shift is pressed , 2 if control key is pressed and 4 if Alt key is pressed

                                                                          Cancel As reference Integer that gets 0 or 1.Set cancel to 1 in order not to run the default VectorDraw event code


ActionKeyPress occurs when a command job is active and the user press a nonsystem key and before default implementation.Set cancel to 1 in order not to run the default VectorDraw event code.

                       method definition :ActionKeyPress(ByVal JobName As String, ByVal KeyAscii As Integer, Cancel As Integer)

                                                                     JobName    a string that begins with BaseAction_  and adding the action type name

                                                                     KeyAscii Gets the character corresponding to the key pressed

                                                                     Cancel As reference Integer that gets 0 or 1.Set cancel to 1 in order not to run the default VectorDraw event code


JobMouseDown JobKeyDown  and JobKeyPress occurs when a command job is active and the user press a mouse button or key button and after default implementation.Set cancel to 1 in order to cancel the action.