Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6022, ID: 60001479, Wish : Display XRefs locked layers, vdFigure objects and with fade effect

Wish : Display XRefs locked layers, vdFigure objects and with fade effect

Date Added8/26/2011
FixedYes [4/18/2012]
Submitted byChristian Holbrook


Display XRefs locked layers, vdFigure objects and with fade effect


Is it possible to show the XRefs of the drawing "faded" ?
Is it possible also the same for locked layer and for vdFigure objects in general ?


In version 6023 a new property is added to the Document's Globals named XrefFadeEffect. It is a byte that controls the fade effect the display (color) of the document's external reference drawings.

XrefFadeEffect: Get/Set the color Fading effect percentage for all External reference drawings, close to the background color of output rendering.

This property is not saved by the drawing and not added in the undo history. The value references a static field and applies with the same value to all vdDocument objects of the application.
Default value is 0 for no fading, value 90 is the maximum fading value. Valid range is 0 to 90 (byte). Value is limited to 90 percent in order to avoid making entities invisible.

Also, in version 6023 a new property is added to the Document's Globals named LockLayerFadeEffect. It is a byte that controls the fade effect the display (color) of the document's locked layer objects.

LockLayerFadeEffect: Get/Set the color Fading effect percentage for all objects on locked layers, close to the background color of output rendering.

This property is not saved by the drawing and not added in the undo history. The value references a static field and applies with the same value to all vdDocument objects of the application.
Default value is 0 for no fading, value 90 is the maximum fading value. Valid range is 0 to 90 (byte). Value is limited to 90 percent in order to avoid making entities invisible.

In version 6023 another property is added to the vdFigure objects named FadeEffect. It is a byte that controls the fade effect the display (color) of the document's locked layer objects.

FadeEffect: et/Set the color Fading effect percentage close to the background color of output rendering.

Valid range between 0 and 90. Value is limited to 90 percent in order to avoid making entities invisible. Default value is 0 for no fading, while 90 is the maximum fading.

Note: If the value is 0 and the figure is inside a vdBlock and the insert (vdInsert object) that reference this block has FadeEffect bigger than 0 then the figure is faded as the vdInsert. In other case (the figure has FadeEffect greater than 0 then the vdInsert's FadeEffect is ignored for this object. If the object Layer is Locked then the vdDocument.LockLayerFadeEffect is used.
Raises the vdDocument.OnBeforeModifyObject and the vdDocument.OnAfterModifyObject events.