Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6020, ID: 60001462, Wish : Many perpendicular points OSnaps

Wish : Many perpendicular points OSnaps

Date Added8/1/2011
FixedYes [8/2/2011]
Submitted byAdam White


Many perpendicular points OSnaps


When used on perpendicular or intersection snapping it generates a lot of points on the screen in cases like below. It becomes hard to determine which point relates to which segment. Also, when there a lot of inserts on the screen the crosses prove more difficult to view than just reselecting the centre point again.

Can you make this an option ?


An enumerator and a property has been added as static to the BaseAction object. This property will give you the ability to set a value to select which of the above 4 Osnaps to add the extra Osnap help point.

The enumerator is the following
public enum OsnapCrossPointsAddenum

/// None.
NONE = 0,
/// The center Osnap cross point is added.
CENTER = OsnapMode.CEN,
/// The perpedicular Osnap cross point is added.
/// The insert Osnap cross point is added.
INSERT = OsnapMode.INS,
/// The intersection Osnap cross point is added.
/// Default value contains all the above value and all help osnap points are being added.
DEFAULT_ALL = (OsnapCrossPointsAddenum.CENTER | OsnapCrossPointsAddenum.INSERT | OsnapCrossPointsAddenum.INTERSECTION | OsnapCrossPointsAddenum.PERPEDICULAR),

And the property can be used as following
VectorDraw.Actions.BaseAction.OsnapCrossPointsAddvalue = VectorDraw.Actions.BaseAction.OsnapCrossPointsAddenum.CENTER | VectorDraw.Actions.BaseAction.OsnapCrossPointsAddenum.INSERT;
For this example we have enabled only the center and the insertion Osnaps to add this extra cross help point. For the other 2 ( Perpedicular and Intersection) this extra point will not be added.

Note that this property is not serializable and has to be initialised to the application.