Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6020, ID: 60001395, Wish : Is it possible to add cmdEditText to the commands

Wish : Is it possible to add cmdEditText to the commands

Date Added5/16/2011
FixedYes [6/2/2011]
Submitted bygizem basturk


Is it possible to add cmdEditText to the commands


Is it possible to add cmdEditText to the commands ?


A new command has been added to the CommandLine class of the ActiveDocument with the following implementations

Edits a vdText object.
"Text">A gPoint where the vdText is, an vdText object or "USER"/null so the user picks the point to the screen.
public void CmdTextEdit(object Text)

Edits a vdText object.
"Text">A gPoint where the vdText is, an vdText object or "USER"/null so the user picks the point to the screen.
"maxlength">The maximum number of characters for the length of the vdText string value as integer.Set this to 0 for unlimited characters.
public void CmdTextEdit(object Text, int maxlength)

These methods can be used as following :
vdFramedControl.BaseControl.ActiveDocument.CommandAction.CmdTextEdit(null, 30);

And for the wrapper
Dim doc As VectorDraw_Professional.vdDocument
Set doc = VDraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject
doc.CommandAction.CmdTextEdit "USER", 10