Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6021, ID: 60001330, Wish : Add the ability to Highlight the entities that the mouse moves over

Wish : Add the ability to Highlight the entities that the mouse moves over

Date Added2/25/2011
FixedYes [11/25/2011]
Submitted byMakaroynhs


Add the ability to Highlight the entities that the mouse moves over


Add the ability to Highlight the entities that the mouse moves over


A new property SelectionPreview of document.GlobalRenderProperties was added in 6022

It takes one of the following values of VectorDraw.Render.vdRenderGlobalProperties.SelectionPreviewFlags enum :
   A) VectorDraw.Render.vdRenderGlobalProperties.SelectionPreviewFlags.ON: Selection preview is on and entities that are under the mouse cursor are hilighting when an action waiting to select an entity.
   B) VectorDraw.Render.vdRenderGlobalProperties.SelectionPreviewFlags.OFF: Selection preview is off. Entities are not highlighted.

Default value for SelectionPreview is OFF

Also a new property SelectionPreview was added for vdLayout and vdViewport objects.

It takes same values as document.GlobalRenderProperties.SelectionPreview(On and Off)   and additionaly the VectorDraw.Render.vdRenderGlobalProperties.SelectionPreviewFlags.DEFAULT value.

When the SelectionPreview property of a vdLayout or a vdViewport object have the  VectorDraw.Render.vdRenderGlobalProperties.SelectionPreviewFlags.DEFAULT then it takes the value of document.GlobalRenderProperties.SelectionPreview property

So you can have same value for all vdLayouts and vdViewports that have the SelectionPreviewFlags.DEFAULT value by changing only the document.GlobalRenderProperties.SelectionPreview property or different value for a specific vdLayout or vdViewport object.