Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6018, ID: 60001229, Wish : I would like an event to be raisen in Custom Objects of DXF files

Wish : I would like an event to be raisen in Custom Objects of DXF files

Date Added9/21/2010
FixedYes [1/19/2011]
Submitted byMassimo Endrighi


I would like an event to be raisen in Custom Objects of DXF files


I would like an event to be raisen in Custom Objects of DXF files


A new event is published to the Document object

Fires when an Unknown objects is loaded from a document after an open command.
Currently is raised only for DXF files and for objects that are not supported from VectorDraw.
public event LoadUnknownObjectsEventHandler LoadUnknownObjects;//6020_60001229

This event will provide to our users the following EventArgs object

//Event arguments to be used on the LoadUnknownObjects event of the Document.
public class LoadUnknownObjectsEventArgs

with the following properties

/// Datatype of the Data
/// Dxf : The Data is an IDxfRecords collection
public LoadUnknownObjectsDataType dataType

And also the Data

/// Data of the event. Currently for DXF is a collection IDxfRecords.
/// The IDxfRecords is a collection of code and value which are the records of the DXF object from the DXF file.
public object Data