Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6016, ID: 60001021, Wish : MaterialImage and MaterialMatrix of PenStyle to be applied on Solid Areas in wire2D mode

Wish : MaterialImage and MaterialMatrix of PenStyle to be applied on Solid Areas in wire2D mode

Date Added12/3/2009
FixedYes [12/4/2009]
Submitted byRahul Singh


MaterialImage and MaterialMatrix of PenStyle to be applied on Solid Areas in wire2D mode


MaterialImage and MaterialMatrix of PenStyle to be applied on Solid Areas in wire2D mode.


This feature is added in 6017

Example: The following example attach a material image into a filled rectangle object:


vdImageDef imagedef = doc.Images.Add(@"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Temp\jblake.jpg"); // use an image here from your disk

vdRect curve = new vdRect();



curve.InsertionPoint = new gPoint(-2, -2);

curve.Width = 5;

curve.Height = 1.2;

//curve.Rotation = Globals.HALF_PI / 2.0d;

//get the sample points in entity Coordinate System

gPoints pts = curve.GetSamplePoints(0, 0);

//get the bounding box in entity Coordinate System

Box box = pts.GetBox();

//Set the rectangle to be solid fill

curve.HatchProperties = new vdHatchProperties(VectorDraw.Professional.Constants.VdConstFill.VdFillModeSolid);

//select a new color for the rectangle whitch is used to fill the region

vdColor col = new vdColor(vdColor.ColorType.ByColor); col.SystemColor = Color.Blue;

//attach material image to the filled color.

col.MaterialImage = imagedef;

//select the material matrix used to tranform the texture image

Matrix mat = new Matrix();

//set the texture image scaling in order the texture bitmap to be 1 Drawing Unit width

mat.ScaleMatrix(1.0d, (double)imagedef.Height / (double)imagedef.Width, 1.0d);

//In order to stretch and fit the image in the rectangle use the following scale instead.

// mat.ScaleMatrix(box.Width, box.Height, 1.0d);

//Set the rotation 45 degrees in counterclockwise direction

//mat.RotateZMatrix(Globals.HALF_PI / 2.0d);

//set the origin of the texture to be LowerLeft corner of rectangle in rectangle Entitiy CS

mat.TranslateMatrix(box.Max );

//finally we set the Material matrix for the selected fill color.

col.MaterialMatrix = mat.GetInvertion();

curve.PenColor = col;

//finally add the entitity to ActiveLayout entities collection


//update the drawing are of the rectangle
