Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6016, ID: 60000995, Wish : Method to lock user action entities movement.

Wish : Method to lock user action entities movement.

Date Added11/5/2009
FixedYes [11/12/2009]
Submitted byJanne Carlson


Method to lock user action entities movement.


Method to lock user action entities movement.


In 6017 New methods was added in vdCommandAction object.

/// Moves a vdSelection of figures from one point to another.

/// A vdSelection of vdFigures or "USER",null so the user picks the objects to the screen.
/// The base point in (WCS) or "USER",null so the user can pick this point to the screen.
/// Another point representing where the objects will be placed in (WCS) or "USER",null so the user picks this point to the screen.
/// Represents a value that used to lock or not the user entities movement.
/// Represents a region to lock the movement.If it is null or 'user' ask from the user to select one on the screen.It can be also an array of gPoints or Vertexes or a predifined vdCurve object.
/// true if the command was succesfull.
public bool CmdMove(object SelSet, object FromPoint, object ToPoint, VectorDraw.Professional.CommandActions.FollowMode followMode, object FollowTarget)

/// Inserts a block to the active layout.

/// The name of the block to be inserted or "USER",null so the user types the name.
/// The insertion point in (WCS) or "USER"null so the user picks this point on the screen.
/// Represents a value that used to lock or not the user entities movement.
/// Represents a region to lock the movement.If it is null or 'user' ask from the user to select one on the screen.It can be also an array of gPoints or Vertexes or a predifined vdCurve object.
/// Scale x for the insert or "USER",null so the user selectes the scale on screen.
/// Scale y for the insert or "USER",null so the user selectes the scale on screen.
/// Rotation angle in Radians for the insert or "USER",null so the user selectes the angle on screen.
/// true if the command was succesfull.
public bool CmdInsert(object BlockName, object InsertionPoint, VectorDraw.Professional.CommandActions.FollowMode followMode, object FollowTarget, object ScaleX, object ScaleY, object ScaleZ, object angle)

also a new enum value type exported as :


/// Represents a value that used to lock or not the user entities movement command action.

public enum FollowMode
/// Default value that allow the entities to be placed any where in the screen.

None = 0,
/// Lock the placement of entities on a specific boundary region.

LockOnRegionPoints = 1,
/// Lock the placement of entities always to be inside a rectangle boundary of a specific region.

LockInsideRegionBounding = 2,
/// allow the entities to be placed any where in the screen when the selected region is outside the screen.

AllowLockOutSideScreen = 4,