Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6016, ID: 60000990, Wish : Have a limit on the string characters when using cmdMText

Wish : Have a limit on the string characters when using cmdMText

Date Added11/2/2009
FixedYes [11/3/2009]
Submitted byGareth Moore


Have a limit on the string characters when using cmdMText


Is it possible to have a limit on the number of characters when using cmdMText ? Please would it be possible to have an optional value in the CMDMTEXT function to limit the maximum number of characters


Added in 6017
A new CmdMText command has been added that has an extra parameter like below.
Adds an Mtext to a specified point on the screen.
<TextString>The string of the mtext or "USER",null so the user writes the string to the commandline.
<RotationAngle>A double representing the Mtext rotation angle in radians or "USER",null so the user writes the string to the commandline.
<InsertionPoint>The insertion point of the mtext in (WCS) or "USER",null so the user picks this point to the screen.
<maxlinelength>The maximum number of characters per line.Set 0 for unlimited characters.
<maxlegth>The maximum number of characters for the whole length of the mtext string value.Set 0 for unlimited characters.
<returns>True if the command was succesfull.</returns>
<remarks>The command ends with Esc or right click.</remarks>
public bool CmdMText(object TextString, object RotationAngle, object InsertionPoint,int maxlinelength,int maxlegth)