Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6016, ID: 60000971, Wish : Support of Selecting Polyface inside solid faces

Wish : Support of Selecting Polyface inside solid faces

Date Added10/6/2009
FixedYes [10/7/2009]
Submitted byWayne Romer


Support of Selecting Polyface inside solid faces


Support of Selecting Polyface inside solid faces


We added a new property to the polyface

public virtual PolyFaceSelectingMode SelectingMode

With the following enum

public enum PolyFaceSelectingMode
The polyface will be selected if and only it is clicked in the wireframe of it.
The polyface will be selected even if it is clicked between the wires of the object.

Default value is WireFrame as it used to work until now. 
SolidBase works when render mode is one of the following : Hide , render , Shade , ShadeOn

As mentioned above there are two options now for the polyface to be selected. By having the polyface WireBase in order to be selected the user has to click on the wireframe of the polyface. If this property is set as SolidBase then a simple click anywhere will return the selected polyface.

Also note that this option takes effect also for snapping modes of the polyface. If a SolidBase option is selected then for snapping the nearest face is selected that intersects the cursor. Note that the drawing order (how the entities are added to the entities collection) is very important in this case , if an object is drawn last cause of the drawing order even if it is behind another object in the current view then the last object that is drawn will be selected for snapping.