Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6021, ID: 60000883, Wish : UnRegister document object to be fired with events

Wish : UnRegister document object to be fired with events

Date Added5/14/2009
FixedYes [12/21/2011]
Submitted bystavros meimaroglou


UnRegister document object to be fired with events


UnRegister document object to be fired with events


These events OnDrawFigure, OnDrawAfterFigure, OnGetGripPoints, OnMoveGripPointsAt now are fired for unregistered Document entities , For objects that are not added in a layout collection.

For example :
A major change that has been committed is that the MoveGripPointAt event is fired constantly while the cursor moves for the copy of the object.
Let me explain better. When a MoveGrip action starts we make a copy of the object and we show this copy. Then the event constantly is fired with this copy figure and when the action ends the event fires with the regular vdFigure.

You can easily check if the figure that comes with the event isDocumentRegistered and if not then this is the copy figure that is used to draw the action.
Make this check first in your event code and I believe your code will be as it used to be.