Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6010, ID: 60000406, Wish : Slice method of the vdPolyface to be exported in VDF Prof. 6.x Wrapper.

Wish : Slice method of the vdPolyface to be exported in VDF Prof. 6.x Wrapper.

Date Added2/1/2008
FixedYes [3/5/2008]
Submitted byNorbert Schulze-Kahleyss


Slice method of the vdPolyface to be exported in VDF Prof. 6.x Wrapper.


Is it feasible to export the Slice method of the vdPolyface (VDF .NET libraries) to VDF Professional 6.x Wrapper ?


In version 6012 the following method was exported in vdCommandAction of the .NET components.

Changes the given polyface so it is sliced from a plane provided by the origin point and the direction.
polyface:A vdPolyface object or NULL,"USER" so the user picks the polyface.
origin:A gPoint object or NULL,"USER" so the user picks the origin point to the screen.
direction:A Vector object or NULL,"USER" so the user is prompted to select the direction.
CoverFaces:A boolean value or NULL,"USER" so the user is prompted to choose yes or no in order to cover the sliced faces.
returns:True if the operation was succesfull.
public bool Slice(object polyface, object origin, object direction, object CoverFaces)

Also this command is exported for the wrapper component (using the VectorDraw.Professional.tlb as reference) as following:

Visual Basic 6.0 sample code:
Dim command As vdCommandAction
Set command = VDraw1.commandaction.WrapperObject
command.CmdSlice "USER", "USER", "USER", "USER"