Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6009, ID: 60000330, Wish : Export the Contours, ContourLevels of GroundSurface object to the professional.tlb

Wish : Export the Contours, ContourLevels of GroundSurface object to the professional.tlb

Date Added11/26/2007
FixedYes [11/26/2007]
Submitted byGeorge Siarov


Export the Contours, ContourLevels of GroundSurface object to the professional.tlb


Export Contours, ContourLevels so they can used under Delphi


In version 6010 beta 6 and above the Conours property and the ContourLevels are exported to the Professional.tlb . For this implementation we have imported VectorDraw.Geometry.tlb ,VectorDraw.Professional.tlb, VectorDraw.Serialize.tlb and also vdrawi5.tlb

Here is a sample code in Delphi that creates a vdGroundSurface and handles its contours:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);

var vdGPts : VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.Igpoints; doc : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdDocument; primary, primary2 : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; baseobject, baseobject2 : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdBaseObject; vdGPt : VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.Igpoint; GS : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdGroundSurface; I, J : integer; polycurv : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPolyCurves; polyLine : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPolyLine; curves : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdCurves; onecurve : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdCurve; fig : VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdFigure;

begin vdraw1.DisplayFrames:=63; vdraw1.StatusBar:=true; vdraw1.StatusBarMenu:=true; vdraw1.EnableAutoGripOn:=true;

doc := vdraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdDocument; vdGPts := VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.CogPoints.Create(); for I:=1 to 15 do // create a ground sourface from 8 points begin vdGPt := VectorDraw_Geometry_TLB.CogPoint.Create(); vdGPts.Add(vdGpt); end; vdGPTs.Item[0].SetValue(2,3,0); vdGPTs.Item[1].SetValue(2,5,0); vdGPTs.Item[2].SetValue(2,7,0); vdGPTs.Item[3].SetValue(4,5,1.5); vdGPTs.Item[4].SetValue(4,3,1); vdGPTs.Item[5].SetValue(4,7,0.5); vdGPTs.Item[6].SetValue(7,3,1); vdGPTs.Item[7].SetValue(7,5,5); vdGPTs.Item[8].SetValue(7,7,1); vdGPTs.Item[9].SetValue(9,3,0.3); vdGPTs.Item[10].SetValue(9,5,0.5); vdGPTs.Item[11].SetValue(9,7,1); vdGPTs.Item[12].SetValue(11,3,0); vdGPTs.Item[13].SetValue(11,5,0.2); vdGPTs.Item[14].SetValue(11,7,0);

GS := VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.CovdGroundSurface.Create(); baseobject := GS as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdBaseObject; baseobject.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); primary:=GS as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; primary.setDocumentDefaults(); GS.Points := vdGPts; GS.MeshSize := 0.1; GS.DispMode := DisplayMode_Triangle;//DisplayMode_Mesh; GS.ContourLevels.Add(0.4); GS.ContourLevels.Add(1.6); GS.ContourLevels.Add(2.4); doc.ActiveLayOut.entities.AddItem(GS as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdFigure); vdraw1.CommandAction.View3D('VISW'); vdraw1.CommandAction.Zoom('E',0,0); Application.MessageBox('Ground Surface created', 'Look',0 );

polycurv := GS.Contours as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPolyCurves; for i:= 0 to polycurv.Count-1 do begin curves:=polycurv.item[i] as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdCurves; for j:=0 to curves.Count-1 do begin
onecurve := curves.item[j]; primary := onecurve as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; polyline := VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.CovdPolyline.Create(); (polyline as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary).MatchProperties(primary.Clone(doc),doc); baseobject2 := polyline as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdBaseObject; baseobject2.SetUnRegisterDocument(doc); primary2:=polyline as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdPrimary; primary2.setDocumentDefaults(); fig:=polyline as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdFigure; fig.PenColor.FromRGB(255,0,0); fig.PenWidth :=0.1; doc.ActiveLayOut.entities.AddItem(polyline as VectorDraw_Professional_TLB.IvdFigure); end ; end ; vdraw1.CommandAction.View3D('VISW'); vdraw1.CommandAction.Zoom('E',0,0); end;

and the same code in VB 6.0 :
Private Sub Command1_Click()
'Get the document interface of VectorDraw FrameWork
   Dim doc As VectorDraw_Professional.vdDocument
   Set doc = vdpro.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject
'Create a new vdGroundSurface object with VDF Interfaces
   Dim GS As VectorDraw_Professional.vdGroundSurface
   Set GS = New VectorDraw_Professional.vdGroundSurface
   Dim i As Long
   Dim j As Long
Dim vdGPts As VectorDraw_Geometry.gPoints
Dim vdGPt As VectorDraw_Geometry.gPoint
   'typecast the GroundSourface as vdbaseObject
   Dim baseobj As VectorDraw_Professional.vdBaseObject
   Set baseobj = GS
   baseobj.SetUnRegisterDocument doc
   'typecast the GroundSourface as vdPrimary
   Dim Primary As VectorDraw_Professional.vdPrimary
   Set Primary = GS
  Set vdGPts = New VectorDraw_Geometry.gPoints
  For i = 1 To 15 ' // create a ground sourface from 15 points
    Set vdGPt = New VectorDraw_Geometry.gPoint
    vdGPts.Add vdGPt
  Next i
  vdGPts.Item(0).SetValue 2, 3, 0
   vdGPts.Item(1).SetValue 2, 5, 0
   vdGPts.Item(2).SetValue 2, 7, 0
   vdGPts.Item(3).SetValue 4, 5, 1.5
   vdGPts.Item(4).SetValue 4, 3, 1
   vdGPts.Item(5).SetValue 4, 7, 0.5
   vdGPts.Item(6).SetValue 7, 3, 1
   vdGPts.Item(7).SetValue 7, 5, 5
   vdGPts.Item(8).SetValue 7, 7, 1
   vdGPts.Item(9).SetValue 9, 3, 0.3
   vdGPts.Item(10).SetValue 9, 5, 0.5
   vdGPts.Item(11).SetValue 9, 7, 1
   vdGPts.Item(12).SetValue 11, 3, 0
   vdGPts.Item(13).SetValue 11, 5, 0.2
   vdGPts.Item(14).SetValue 11, 7, 0

Set GS.Points = vdGPts GS.MeshSize = 0.1 GS.DispMode = DisplayMode_Mesh '//DisplayMode_Triangle; GS.ContourLevels.Add 0.4 GS.ContourLevels.Add 1.3 GS.ContourLevels.Add 2.1 Dim fig As VectorDraw_Professional.vdFigure Set fig = GS 'add vdGroundSurface in the collection entities table doc.ActiveLayOut.entities.AddItem fig Primary.Update fig.Invalidate Dim polycurves As VectorDraw_Professional.vdPolyCurves Set polycurves = GS.Contours Dim curves As VectorDraw_Professional.vdCurves Dim Primary2 As VectorDraw_Professional.vdPrimary Dim polyLine As VectorDraw_Professional.vdPolyline Dim BaseObject2 As VectorDraw_Professional.vdBaseObject Dim onecurve As VectorDraw_Professional.vdCurve For i = 0 To polycurves.Count - 1 Set curves = polycurves.Item(i) For j = 0 To curves.Count - 1 Set onecurve = curves.Item(j) Set Primary = onecurve Set polyLine = New VectorDraw_Professional.vdPolyline Set Primary2 = polyLine Primary2.MatchProperties Primary.Clone(doc), doc Set BaseObject2 = polyLine BaseObject2.SetUnRegisterDocument doc Primary2.setDocumentDefaults Set fig = polyLine fig.PenColor.FromRGB 255, 0, 0 fig.PenWidth = 0.1 doc.ActiveLayOut.entities.AddItem fig Next j Next i vdpro.CommandAction.Zoom "e", 0, 0 vdpro.CommandAction.View3D "VISW" End Sub