Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6009, ID: 60000322, Wish : Version 6 dialogs to be available in Wrapper component

Wish : Version 6 dialogs to be available in Wrapper component

Date Added11/19/2007
FixedYes [11/21/2007]
Submitted bySiarov


Version 6 dialogs to be available in Wrapper component


Version 6 dialogs to be available in Wrapper component:

- Textstyles dialog
- External references dialog
- Image definition dialog
- Light dialog


In Version 6010 we exported an Interface called IVdrawDialogs. This class can be used in order to call most of the new dialogs that version 6 uses through the wrapper.
Note that VectorDraw.Professional.tlb must be added to your project.
Please read the following sample code in vb6:

Dim dialogs As New VectorDraw_Professional.VdrawDialogs
dialogs.InitializeVdrawDialogs  VDraw1.ActiveDocument.WrapperObject
'dialogs.GetBhatchDialog    'Opens the bhatch dialog
'dialogs.GetLineTypeDlg VDraw1.ActiveDocument.linetypes.Item(0).WrapperObject, True    'Opens the Linetypes dialog
'...     ' etc...

The Class contains the following methods:

Initializes the Document needed to show the dialogs.
void InitializeVdrawDialogs(vdDocument Document);
Gets the insert Block dialog.
bool CmdInsertBlockDialog(out string blockname, out object insertionPoint, out object scales, out object rotationAngle);
Gets the Edit attribute dialog.
bool EditAttrib(vdInsert EntityObject);
Gets the color picker dialog.
vdColor GetColorDlg(vdColor defaultValue);
Gets the Hatch Patterns dialog.
vdHatchPattern GetHatchPatternDlg(vdHatchPattern defaultValue);
Gets the Lineweight dialog.
VdConstLineWeight GetLineWeightDlg(VdConstLineWeight defaultValue);
Gets the Linetype dialog.
vdLineType GetLineTypeDlg(vdLineType defaultValue, bool ShowBLayer);
Gets the osnap dialog.
bool GetOsnapDialog();
Gets the Layer manager.
bool LayerControl();
Gets the point style dialog.
bool PointStyleDlg();
Shows the TextStyle Dialog.
bool GetTextStylesDialog();
Shows the External References Dialog.
bool GetExternalReferencesDialog();
Shows the Image Definition's dialog.
bool GetImagesDialog();
Shows The Light Manager Dialog.
bool GetLightsDialog();
Opens the bHatch dialog to select and hatch objects.
void GetBhatchDialog();
Opens the vdGroups dialog.
void GetGroupsDialog();