Prod.: Engine, ver.: 6, ID: 60000179, HowTo : Texts, Hatch patterns and Linetypes in Ouput devices (Screen and Printer).

HowTo : Texts, Hatch patterns and Linetypes in Ouput devices (Screen and Printer).

Date Added6/7/2007
Submitted byStavros Meimaroglou


Texts, Hatch patterns and Linetypes in Ouput devices (Screen and Printer).


Texts, Hatch patterns and Linetypes in Ouput devices (Screen and Printer).


Output device can be the Screen or the Printer paper.

Hatch Patterns:
Hatches are draw as solid when at least one distance of a hatchpaternline is less than 0.02 inch(0.5 mm) in  output device units
Hatch paterns VdFillModeHatchBDiagonal,VdFillModeHatchCross,VdFillModeHatchDiagCross,VdFillModeHatchFDiagonal,VdFillModeHatchHorizontal and VdFillModeHatchVertical compute the distance between lines to be 0.0833 inch(2.12 mm)in  output device units so when zooming(and printing) they look the same always.

Linetype are drawn as solid when the segment length is less than 0.033 inch(0.84 mm) in  output device units.

Text are drawn as rectangle when the text height is less than 0.033 inch(0.84 mm) in  output device units

To convert the drawingUnits to output Device Units of a printer with  scale = PrinterScale use the following formula:

PrinterDeviceUnits = drawingUnits * PrinterScale

If for example in your drawing you have a text with height 1 DU(drawingUnits) and print it out in a Printer with PrinterScale 1000/2000 then the text height in printer paper will be 1*1000/2000 = 0.5mm in output device units which is less than 0.033 inch(0.84 mm) and it will print out as rectangle but if the text height is 2 DU then it will print with height of 1mm in printer paper as text.